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Mochi & Udon

Mochi (left) and Udon (right) are purr-miere twin studies researchers. Mochi’s research interests include testing which type of meow is most effective for telling her humans it’s feeding time. Udon, on the other hand, experiments with how quietly she can open and climb into dresser drawers. In their free time, both love belly rubs, sleeping in strange positions, and running from window to window tracking the local wildlife.



Bessie is an expert in sass. Her primary research interest lies in how her human reacts when she tries to lie down in his lap immediately after using the litter box. Her findings suggest that his responses vary widely, from picking her up and putting her back on the floor to fake human hissing at her to resigned acceptance that he’ll have to put his pants in the laundry. She also has an ongoing side project seeing how deeply she can carve into her human’s front door by repeatedly using it as a scratching post.


Dr. Bo Welu, Ph.D., has a primarily behaviorist approach to his research. He’s got a bone to pick with Pavlov and works primarily with human subjects. Bo is currently studying the moderating effects of audible breathing in relation to owner’s guilt caused by puppy dog eyes. He hypothesizes that heavy breathing will strengthen the relationship between puppy dog eyes and owner’s guilt. His work is cross culturally focused and has direct applications in treat procurement for good boys and girls across the globe. In addition to his current research, you can find past experiments he’s conducted in prominent journals like the Journal of Pawgnitive Psychology, Training Humans, Pawspectives on Psychological Science, and Dogvelopmental Psychology. 



Meatball is a 7th year Ph.D. student majoring in food consumption. Her current research project focuses on how to get fed more than twice a day. She developed techniques such as scratching the bed to get more attention, which in turn reminds the absent-minded humans that it is already past her feeding time. She is advised by Prof. Ellim K. and Prof. Nick B. (emeritus).


Lottie graduated with her dogtorate from Saint Paws University, an American Pupological Association- accredited program. Her research seeks to understand interspecies aggression, specifically the ways in which squirrels verbally taunt dogs on their daily walks. Lottie is also interested in researching how likely it is that dogs will ever be able to catch the wild bunnies which they so desperately seek. The results of her research have been published in Science and Nature and she is open to collaboration with anyone who has treats or ear scratches to contribute.



My research interests are focused on the power of treats and snackies towards emotional well being. Similarly, I also explore the negative impact on mental health of dogs of observing others (humans) eat without sharing. Clinically, I offer group counseling to humans to help raise interpersonal awareness towards how their behaviors impact pets in their life. The goal of our group is to increase positive interpersonal actions, such as sharing their food. I also offer group counseling for pets which focuses on providing a space to cope when humans don’t respect their need for snackies and to explore strategies to express their needs and boundaries effectively (like my personal favorite strategy: screaming).


My clinical interests are focused on separation anxiety, relevant coping strategies, and interpersonal strategies to convince pawrents to stay home from work. My research interests are focused on social media, the role of influencers, and how I can gain more followers (@joaniesrescuepups). In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends Julia and Boca, napping, trying to convince my mom to give me pizza, stealing food from my mom, and shredding toys into the tiniest pieces possible.



Boca graduated from the Good Dog Academy. He uses the principles of operant conditioning to study how good dog behaviors can be used to maximize treat-giving in humans. Please contact him if you have treats and would like to collaborate. In a second line of work he explores cross-species relations by observing changes in squirrel behavior in response to the presence of canines.  


Reny is pursuing a dogtorate degree in psychology after a career in the Canine Intelligence Agency (CIA). He has received national recognition for his work, “Law and Odor: Dogs Detect Deception in Terror Suspects by Identifying Scents in Their Sweat Emitted During Interrogation”. His current research project focuses on how dogs use tactical deception and adjust their behavior to get what they want from humans, such as snuggles and bacon. Feel free to email Reny at to collaborate.  In his free time, Reny enjoys hiking, looking out the window, and playing hide-and-seek with his human, Jessica. He especially likes popping in Jessica’s virtual meetings and squeaking his hedgehog toy while she talks.



Brie’s research focuses on implementation intentions and behavior change in humans. She provides humans with training on how to develop better habits, like giving more treats and twirling ribbons more often. In her time off, she ponders what life would be like if she had opposable thumbs to open the ribbon and treats drawer herself. 


Gyrus is the baby ball python of Crystal Jewell. His interests lie in applied exploratory neuroscience research on the gut-brain connection using rodent models. Like his mama, Gyrus is an activist for sustainability. To align with his zero-waste values, necropsies and research consist of Gyrus sending the mouse subject to his own gut then noting how it affects his brain. As opposed to conventional beliefs, he always prays and thanks the animal before he 


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